Monday, July 4, 2016

Facebook: July 3, 2016

Today is 2 days after my first round of chemo. I'm not gonna lie, it's sucked. There are things that they tell you about it, and there are things they leave out. It's the things they leave out that mostly suck, but I guess maybe it's better that you don't know. There's no real way to prep for it anyway. At least now I know what I'm up against. What to expect. It's a pretty big punch, but I can do this.

My ability to overcome is directly related to my love for life. That's a really huge love. I laugh every day in spite of this curse. I think humor is everything, and as long as you've got that, you should have a handle on all of it. Sometimes my family and I just hug each other and break into laughter because in the end, if you laugh, it's a reprieve, a break of sorts, an acknowledgement of "we're in this together and I love you". You take pause with each other and know that it's all going to be worth it in the end. If you just remember to laugh. 

So do me a favor this weekend as you celebrate our independence, hug someone you love, tell them, and have a big belly laugh for me. It'll be the best thing you do.

Happy 4th of July weekend!

Love and light,


1 comment:

  1. ha! the picture is fabulous!! btw you look amazing!
